Wow~~ my Aenigmas has arrived at home ^^ I'm so happy today ^0^
After I'd saw her skin,,,, WOOOOOOOWoooo I love this color very much, so much, too much
Although they are blank, but... they still have magic charm = =,,, alright, I'd fall love with them..OMG...
Forgive me I just eager to change her legend parts,, so I forgot to take photo for parts...T_T...
Atfer add legend parts XD Oh mine.. Oh mine....I will breathless and faint and ...bleed(Forgive me ~ I'm really not metamorphosis).... ^^;;;
They are my first doll of mini I don't know what size of wig could fir for her, maybe,, I must make it by own,, OTZ ...and dressing, shose, and eyes... OMG,, I have nothing,, I must back to start...
I hope I could let them happy quickly =////=...
Thank you for looking ^^