Бог создал кошку, чтобы у человека был тигр, которого можно погладить.
Can you tell me please, what your dress will be nice to sit on Dollmore Model Doll F (Ha-Yarn Cho)? Soom SG Size, Iplehouse size or SD16 size? I simply can't understand the closest size T^T
And by the way I like the new menu is more than the old :3
fighting-cat, Hello dear: DM model size could fit for Soom SG size XD and the next personal replay (By sion) has answered you Sion R. Darkness, Thank you very much, my dear sion XD hugs.
I simply can't understand the closest size T^T
And by the way I like the new menu is more than the old :3
Можете посмотреть вот тут и вот тут
DM model size could fit for Soom SG size XD and the next personal replay (By sion) has answered you
Sion R. Darkness, Thank you very much, my dear sion XD hugs.