I'd orderd a FC CW ID york from soom FC event ^^ maybe he could be on shipping in next month, I hope it's could be fast, if it's into February, it's will must be very hard for shipping -- 2/9th~15th are Chinese Spring Festival, a long holiday...= = so Soom please quickly for shipping....T_T..

Come to the subject My York's character set:

He named: Pelsedof. This his turely name, after he became to Sallendi · Caradern's one of four protects his name changed to Nalata by Sallendi. When he lived in human world, his pseudonym are Gean.
And I accustomed to call him Nalata just like Sallendi.

He is Bloodthirsty mad, and some eonism.
He likes make-up very ladies and wear gorgeous dress and then massacre, after complete mission he will drank some deader blood, not for congrats, just only thirsty. You could call him abnormal, he wouldn't angry. Sallendi like his highly-efficient complete with homicide mission, sometime he just choice gaze at nalata in eonism make-up without seeing -- to pay no heed. But Isil · Caradern will be little push him over the edge, you know he is a gay, but he didn't like someone had eonism....= =

Nalata has not any sexual orientation, he just wanna kill anyone and blooding.

I wanna make some dress for him...- -;;; I had into mad in my friend's lead down....T_T...Oh Yes~~maybe I should bought 2 head for him one used for man, another used for ladies make-up~~(Enough!!!!)~

I had saw this brand doll for many times XD of course I had fall love into them XDDD

I wish it's could be add into my new plan at 2013, just I wish. My mother has little angry to my dolls.. they are too many, she hope I did not bought any more without I need that doll for working size ;;;

@темы: diary, nalisinko

16.12.2012 в 20:18

The only thing that can defeat power is more power © A. Wesker
she hope I did not bought any more without I need that doll for working size
Heh, sounds familiar ^^

Good luck with York's shipping.
16.12.2012 в 20:35

nalisinko, Ah, York is such a wonderful mold :love: Congratulations for ordering him & good luck with shipping :)
17.12.2012 в 07:45

Legal_Assassin, XDDD thank you XD Yes,,indeed, my mother doesn't against I bought dolls, but there has too many company to protuct dolls so the size were too many, and I really can't have all of them ^^;; so she asked me that....^^;;

kozabo, Thank you xDD I hope the shipping will be fast for starting..

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